Our Services

Gulf Scales technical team follow a thorough preventive maintenance plan can mean the difference between a one-time sale and a life-long customer.

Today’s scale market is highly competitive. To make it a profitable business, your support must go beyond the sales and service. Customers who purchase a scale are intent on getting the most return on their investment. Naturally, their level of satisfaction and future business with you will depend largely on the scale’s accuracy and reliability over time.Installing a scale known for its structural integrity is the first step to ensuring dependable performance, but even a quality scale’s performance can slip if not maintained properly.

We suggest checking scales every six months at a minimum. A convenient time to run your preventive maintenance inspection is during the scale’s regularly scheduled calibration check.

Gulf scales use the most stringent calibration procedures as advocated by International society of weighing and measurement. Our calibration weights are of the highest accuracy F1 class type. Our calibration weight has traceability to Dubai Municipality central labs. Each calibration is documented using software, and expiry dates are monitored religiously.

We Focus On

Servicing and maintenance of weighing equipment.

Repair & calibration all types of weighing scales.

Weighing scale parts.

Weighment automation.

Software development for real time weighment automation and interfacing.

We believe that the most important reason behind our success in the market is our cutomer support. Product installations , warranties, and maintenance contracts are managed by software. Escalation server software is used to control delay in providing support. We are the only weighing company in Middle East, that provides written commitment of paying penalty for late service delivery. And the fact that we never had to pay, shows our commitment to service.

We are the only company that offers 24/7 support for critical installations.

Contact Us
Email: gulfscales@gulfscales.net
Call +971-6-5574738